Monday 20 October 2014

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Is it not funny that many girls claim they have
what it takes to make a relationship work and
then when they are in one, they will flop and then
keep blaming the guy for not making it work.

They will treat the guy with “general” knowledge
of what they know about relationships and then
expect it to work.
You’ve heard every guy likes something and then
you go, my boyfriend must definitely like the same
things to. You will never try to find out who that
one guy is but you keep wallowing in your
ignorance waiting for a miracle to happen.

You probably expect every man to want to take
advantage of you because it happened to some
people close to you and they have hammered it in
your ears that men will forever be after what’s
underneath your skirt and never your heart.
One man treated you badly and then you dump all
the frustration you are feeling on your next.

Maybe your next loves you enough to help you
get over your ex. Maybe he doesn’t even want
sex from you as badly as you have imagined.
Maybe he is just a very good guy who loves you
and then you push him away because you were
too blind to see beyond your pains. And no
matter how hard you think you are trying, you
keep failing over and over again.
How do you expect it to work when he likes meat
but because you read somewhere that men don’t
like meat, you keep stuffing him with fish. And
then when he is tired of eating fish, he flees. Then
you go, all men are the same. Of course, they are
the same, isn’t that what your general knowledge
and wrong lessons for your past experience
taught you? Till you learn to treat a man as his
own person, you may never find fulfilment in that

It is even funnier when guys imagine all girls want
are flashy things, money and all those fake
glittering gold. You have assumed every girl will
fall at your feet if you spoil them a bit.

Maybe she did not even see the cash, she saw
the way you showed so much concern about her
welfare and she fell in love with that man that was
attentive to her need and not the man raining
cash on her. Is it bad if you spend on her? You
love her right, then you should see no wrong in
spoiling or see it as a means to get her to sleep
with you.

We want love too, we want you to make us laugh
and show us what it being her “Mr right” is. We
want our friends to go green with envy at the way
you treat us.
Don’t think because we seem to wear our
emotions on our sleeves, we are foolish. We may
have sex with you on the first night and that does
not make us hoes. We like good things doesn’t
mean we will dig your gold-well like your ex(es)
did. We want to be fought for, we want you to
cross the ocean for us if that is what we need as
an evidence that you truly love us.

We don’t want
to wake up any day, thinking we are competing
for your attention. We want you to make us laugh.
We want you to be our everything.
We want to flaunt your love, wear it as one very
expensive gem.. we don’t have to grovel or nag
before we get you to have time for us.
We want breakfast in bed, once in a while. We
want surprise birthday parties and of course we
want all those cakes and flowers and fluffy Teddy
bears every valentine. But that is not the love we
crave, so don’t think you know all about girls and
then treat her as every other girl. Study her, pay
attention to her. Girls are complicated, but also
very simple. It takes a heart that truly cares about
a woman to know a woman.
Point of all of these: nobody should be compared
to the other. Till you’ve fully accepted that
everyone is not the same person as the other,
you will never get it right. If you are not ready to
move on, stay by yourself and learn and conquer
those pains. The worst thing you can ever do to
your partner is to treat him or her as you had
imagined they want to be treated. COMRADE OLAMILEKAN


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