Saturday, 29 November 2014

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This really sounds funny but I think I'm kinda guilty of it wink . I know some dudes will storm and bash this thread by claiming maturity

I'm not saying it's a big deal but sometimes urinating when a lady or crush is spotted can get you tensed and uncomfortable

As bold and confident as I am, When pee-ing and a pretty lady or a crush is spotted, the muscles that controls my urination tightens up and stops flowing the way it ought to flow grin

Dudes do you experience this ?
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One part of a woman’s body that many, nay, most men find very attractive, alluring and sexy is the bosom. It is one part that has enjoyed so much attention from men. Even though men have theirs, with a negligible size though, they lust after these female organs for several reasons.

As much as men love the female bosoms, usually for aiding their sexual satisfaction and other reasons, a study has shown that there are life-changing health benefits of staring at women’s bosoms, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the instance of coronary artery disease. The study found that men who stare at women’s bosoms for at least 10 minutes daily tend to live longer than those who do not.
Even though men would like to maintain straight face while talking to women, the male eyes usually have a way of drifting down.

In fact, a previous research had shown that when men are confronted with bosoms, or even bosom-related stimuli, like bras, they tend to start making bad decisions. It was pointed out in the study that men would rather watch videos of attractive women with lots of skin exposed and be compensated with a lesser amount than watch pastoral scenes where a large sum of money would be offeredas compensation.

“This indicates that parts of men’s brains associated with reward, the pleasure centres, and the sites of goal-directed motivation, were shutting down the reasoning centres of their brains, primarily the pre-frontal cortex. Neurochemicals were activating those reward and motivational circuits to drive men toward taking smaller amount of money. So bosoms are mightily tempting,” the study said.
Regardless, study has shown that staring at the bosoms for a length of time is beneficial to the men’s health.

The study done by a German scientist, Dr. Karen Weatherby, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, said staring at women’s bosoms is not only healthy, but also elongates the life span of such men.

The study, which was carried out over a period of five years, involved 500 men, half of whom were instructed to stare at women’s bosoms in a lustful manner for at least 10 minutes every day, while the other half were instructed to abstain from doing such.

Weatherby concluded that men who stared at the bosoms more often, as instructed, showed lower rates of heart problems, a lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure, all of which enable a healthy living and long life. He said men should stare at bosoms for 10 minutes a day to improve the wellness oftheir hearts and live longer.
Weatherby said, “Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female everyday is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out. When the two groups ofmen were tested, men that stared at bosoms daily had lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates, as well as fewer instances of coronary artery disease.

“Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. Gazing at bosoms makes men healthier and engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack by half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life forfour to five years.”

It was gathered that many men are attracted to women with big bosoms, and apart from the fact that all women experience increase in the size of their bosoms during pregnancy and menstrual cycle, women with bigger bosoms have been found to be men’s delight.

In another study carried out on 200 male outpatients at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, in same order with the previous study, half of the participants were told to look at female bosoms, while the other half were told to refrain from doing so. After five years of issuing the instruction and monitoring the effect on the participants, it was found out that the chest-watchers had a healthier heart, as identified above and have the tendency of living longer than the other group.

A number of men who spoke to our correspondent said they usually experience a surge in their hearts and an unusual faster heartbeat rate when they see women’s bosoms, especially the bigger ones.
Desmond Oni, 29, said he had always seen such sudden reaction as normal. “Whenever I see a woman’s bosoms, especially those who open them for people to see, it feels like my heart would jump out of my body, and then whilst I still look at it, a number of things could run through my mind at a time.”
Why then do men look at bosoms, people might ask. The Director, Centre for Translational Social Neuroscience, Emory University, United States, Dr. Larry Young, who is also an expert in the neuroscience of social bonding, gave reasons why men love bosoms, especially when looking at curvaceous women, those having an attractively curved shape.

He explained that apart from the fact that humans are among the very rare animals that have sex face-to-face, looking into each other’s eyes, which breeds some intimacy between the two sexes, the mother-infant bonding brain activity could have made men lovers of bosoms, even froma younger age.

Young said, “Why are heterosexual men so fascinated by women’s bosoms that they sometimes act as if the bosoms are the seat of the soul? Well, we happen to be heterosexual men who are interested in biology and have been used to bosoms since birth.

“When a woman gives birth, her newborn will engage in some pretty elaborate manipulations ofher bosoms. This stimulation sends signals along nerves and into the brain and the signals trigger the release of a neurochemical called oxytocin from the brain’s hypothalamus. Hence, the unusual attraction.

“Biologically speaking, this obsession with bosoms is pretty weird. Men are the only male mammals fascinated by bosoms in a sexual context and women are the only female mammals whose bosoms become enlarged at puberty, independent of pregnancy. We are also the only species in which males caress, massage and even orally stimulate the female bosoms during pre-intimacy and sex.

“Women do seem to enjoy the attention, at least at the right moments. Men are extremely drawn to bosoms and it is not only biological, but an unconscious evolutionary drive deeply engrained in their brains.”

Reacting to the study, a professor of psychology, Toba Elegbeleye, said if the study based its findings on a single factor, which is just staring at the bosom, then, it could be regarded as inconclusive, more so because the medical condition of the participants before the study was not disclosed.

He argued that what happened after the men stared at the bosom was more important than the staring, adding that it was whatever the staring led to, such as sexual intercourse, that had the capacity to lower the blood pressure and give long life and not just the staring alone.

He noted that non-forceful sexual intercourse, which could be an aftermath of the staring, could reduce blood pressure and increase blood circulation, which ultimately prolongs life because the staring is not an end on its own.

He said, “I will prefer to ascribe that lowering of blood pressure and other benefits mentioned to the ultimate level where the man is relieved of the urge that the staring has started in him. But if it is not carried through, I want to doubt the veracity of that experiment.

“It is a very tricky subject because it is difficult to isolate the staring as the only factor responsible for the difference in heart rate or blood circulation between the two groups. Staring at a woman’s bosom can actually cause sexual excitement but it is usually a precursor to having sexual intercourse, which is an act that could raise the blood circulation.

“If a man stares at a woman’s bosom for 10 minutes spanning five years, it may return the man into a position that may be very injurious to his health except where he ends up self-servicing or having sexual intercourse and about 39 per cent of men indulge in self-service.

“On a general note, when men see the Unclothedness of a woman, something must agitate in their blood stream and biologically, it leads to a rise in their blood flow and tampers with their sexual system. However, beyond the seeing, it is what happens after, like sex, that could make them live longer, because normally, involvement in sex prolongs life.

“Since the study didn’t present the other details, we can say it is inconclusive because what the men do after the staring must have tampered with their sexual system and has the capacity of lowering blood pressure.”
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 Found this article titled 'Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her birth canal" on BlackSupremacy, and thought to share. Read below and tell us if you agree with the writer's school of thoughts...
Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her birth canal. If she doesn’t clean herself, his energy remain inside of her. That imprint can often create illusion sexual addiction to the individual.

When some one decide to have multiple partners, it can sometimes send mixed emotional signals within the inside of the body’s vibration system. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces polluting their internal temple. You are a sacred doorway, where life is intended to pass through, respect yourself, use your gifts wisely!

Just think about it and ask yourself… Ever wonder why they call it sexual intercourse (INTER-Course)? It’s an internal course that unites man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with energy. This is something that a condom can’t protect you against because energy is behind the elements of all flesh.

There is no such thing as “casual” sex or “friends with benefits”. No, No, No, I Don’t Think So!!! Intimate activity intricately entwines the energies between two people. Sex creates a powerful exchange of energy between those involved. These connections, imprints and debris are left upon the mind, soul and spirit for a long time because they are not easily purged or cleansed.

Casual sex’ with multiple partners can intertwine the energies and spirits of a lot of people into your own aura if they are not severed and cleansed. You become joined to every person with whom your partner has slept, as well as all the partners those people had.

This type of “soul clutter” can be felt by your partner’s subconscious. Even if they are not completely in tune or aware of the extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered causing restlessness and inner turmoil.

The longer and more intimate the contact with another person, the more powerful the reinforcement and the interaction of the bond becomes, and all the more difficult it is for them to untangle and leave.

Soul stains, transference of odors, perceptive connections and even mutually formed habits are now left to burden the psyche long after that relationship has ended.

~use your conjuring powers wisely in every aspect of your life. Sexual energy is sacred~
What do you guys think?

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